Sep 11

Monsters Are Invading

They have always been lurking around us. Unnoticed they have been invading our cities and towns. But times are changing! Now, there is a way to find and challenge them! Monster busters, prepare for unseen adventures!

Hello and welcome! This a blog about the a new, awesome (obviously :) ) mobile geo-location based, monster fighting game called “Monster Buster”.

Here we’ll talk about the game in more detail as we unveil various features and facts. We will also showcase and discuss all the new great things we’ll be putting in.

We are passionate about mobile games, enjoy playing them and we are happy that they are becoming part of our lives and no matter where we go, we can take them with us. So being able of finding hidden monsters with a help of your smartphone in the city or countryside we live in is just awesome! Get your own monster, train it, go outside, search for other monsters, fight them and finally – capture them! Participate in epic monster fights, defend your hometown from giant monsters invasions and just be the best monster buster of them all! We are passionate about our idea and we hope you’ll be pasionate as well. Monsters are here, prepare for the adventures that await you!

By the way, feel free to write feedback about “Monster Buster”. Above all we are making this game for you!